Created by: Me Height: 70 meters Weight: 40,000 metric tons Powers: -Psycic Traits- Telepathy, Telekenitics, etc. -Necromancing Traits- Can raise the dead. -Extreme strength, etc. -Ability to fly using spirit energy -Energy Blasts -Wisdom -Body Fusions- Can fuse together creatures that are not of the Universal Key. -Master of Martial Arts. Origin: Thousands of years ago, an alien pod landed on earth. It took biogenetic scans of the area over a couple of years, and Nappa grew inside the pod to become himself. His alien genes spliced with earth genes and amunitees. |
Life Story: Nappa lived alone in the Himyulaias. (Spelling?) He trained hard and became a strong warrior. And then he grew older. He met Ultrillas once. The Katris Klan stumbled upon him while in adventure, and they went to find a warmer climate. The found a nice Island to live on. Then Nappa trained the Katris Klan, and occasionally Gojiza. He trained Gojiza to become stronger, but he ended up getting Ultrillas to train Gojiza, because Gojiza was too strong for Nappa to handle. Nappa was possessed by Akuma many times. But Nappa always got free somehow. Then Akuma took control of a newborn creature that was made by Brian Obee's son, Xar. This creature was Keres. Keres destroyed millions of people, and hundreds of cities. Gojiza came back and went into a huge battle. Gojiza was killed in the process. But Nappa used his powers to pull Gojiza back into the living, through Keres black hole. And then gave Gojiza the strength of himself and Katris in order to defeat Keres. Nappa lived for a few more hundred years. He died about a century before Jaggetha elslaved the universe. |