Story: Hybrid was deployed, and came face to face with his first opponents, Abillas and the Underworld. A titantic battle occurs along the snowy shores of Antartica. Hyrbid releases his deadly destruction bomb, and as soon as it touches a single organic substance, it will explode, destroying the earth. But before it can, a energy wave knocks it into space, and a gigantic glacier splits in two, revealing Armageddon and GalactisGodzilla. Hybrid has no data on Armageddon, because he has no DNA, and thus is not part of the hybrid. The two get into a fire fight while the others tend to their wounds. Armageddon is soon defeated, and Ultrillas arrives to confront his "brother" or "son". The ultimate battles starts, shaking the foundationg of the earth itself. But like all the others, Ultrillas is squashed. But he suddenly has an idea. He uses his energy absorb techinique to merge with the other kaiju, and they become the ultimate creature. Hybrids controller is destroyed and he escapes into space, leaving earth in peace. He now realizes his error, and is willing to help his brothers whenever needed. |