Monster Stats: Created by: Dom F. Height: 112 meters Weight: 64,840 metric tons Powers: Venom bite, large claws, venom tail, Venom Acid, Energy Blast, Ultra regeneration. Origin: Created by Brian Obee, later he battles Godzilla and Obee loses control over the beast. |
Story: Venomus was made by the Obee Organization. He was sent out to destroy Godzilla as revenge for Abillas. However, he was baddly beaten. He lost the back section of his head, along with the controller transmitter implanted in his brain. His ultra-regenerative powers allowed him to regrow his brain and head. He is now free to do of his own will, and is living peacefully on a tropical island in the Pacific. His nature now is of a good sort and he will avoid conflict unless neccesary. |