Monster Stats: Created by: James M. Height: 1200 feet Weight: 5,000,000 tons Powers: Can fire a powerful energy ray from every eye, can project 3 kinds of attacks from his mouth: 1)A tear-gas like substance which renders the target immobile because of intense coughing fits. 2)An acidic venom that burns all organic(and most inorganic) substances on contact. 3)A thick cloud of smoke, which helps it run from enemies. Can send out up to 3 Oblivion's Legions at a time, and requires a day to regenerate enough tissue to replace them. Origin: Oblivion is billions of years old, a by-product of the Big Bang. He travels from planet to planet, and galaxy to galaxy, eating anything he can. Often he destroys all life on the planet, and sometimes even the planet itself, to satisfy his voracious appetite. Story: Oblivion was created due to the big bang. It roamed the galaxies eating everything. Its trail of destruction is all we really know. Who knows what planets it has destroyed? All we can hope know is that it doesn't destroy ours! Oblivion's Legions: Height: 100 foot Weight: 10,000 tons Powers: Can fly at Mach 5, can emit an energy ray from it's one eye. Origin: Originally Oblivion was only 100 feet tall, but as he ate he grew at an unbelievable rate, when he reached 500 feet, he gained the ability to create Oblivion's Legions. Thanx James!