Halloween on Monster Island

Halloween on Monster Island

Written by Andross

"Are you ready, son?" Godzilla asked, his voice booming with excitement. "As ready as I'll ever be!" said his boy, Little Godzilla. Little Godzilla was so excited, it was Halloween night! He'd been waiting for this night for months on end, and now, it was finally here. He was about to go Trick-or-Treating for the first time in his life! Little G had thought long and hard about Halloween, about what he was going to be, where he was going to go. He decided he would be a superhero, and explore all over Monster Island. He couldn't wait to go out with his dad, collecting candy, meeting his friends, walking all over the island, and maybe even pulling a trick or two. Godzilla spoke. "Well, let's go then!" Little G nodded his head. "And one more thing..." Godzilla said. "If we get lost or seperated somehow, stand up for yourself. Don't let anyone push you around, bully you, or steal your candy. And stay calm. I'll find you." "Alright!" Little G said, pulling down his mask and tying on his cape.


Godzilla and his son stepped out of the cave, crunching leaves beneath their feet. It was autumn on Monster Island: the tree leaves had turned brown and re, the air was crisp, and the temperature was cool. "Okay, where do we go first?" Asked Little G. "Let's try Ebirah first, shall we?" answered the Monster King.


Little G and his dad stared blankly out at the ocean. The shoreline was decorated was decorated with a few gigantic pumpkins amd a Halloween floor mat. "Well, uh...where is he?" asked Little Godzilla. Godzilla just shrugged. "Come on junior, I guess he's not home." As the two began to walk away, the ocean began to bubble. Little G turned around, shouting "Look daddy, look!" With a gush of water, Ebirah surfaced above the water, a bag of candy gripped tightly in his claw."Trick-or-Treat!" Little G shouted enthusiastically, thrusting out his candy bag. Ebirah chuckled and handed the boy some candy. "You're the first Trick-or-Treater I've had yet! Sorry about the wait, It's a little hard to tell if you have visitors when you live underwater." Godzilla laughed. "Sorry if the candy's a little soggy. Well, see you later!" said Ebirah, who then jumped back into the ocean.


For the rest of the night, Little Godzilla and his dad Trick-or-Treated all around Monster Island. The visited Kumonga's web, deep in the jungle; Baragon's underground burrow; Biollante's lake; Anguirus's mountain cave, and many others. Little G sighed with delight. Trick-or-Treat was turning out better than he imagined!


Little G yawned and looked a the sky. It was getting dark. "Dad, where do we go next? Is there anywhere left to go?" Godzilla smiled. "Yes", he said, "there's one place we haven't been." "Where's that?" Godzilla bent down, picked his son up, and put him on his shoulders. Godzilla pointed to the mountain tops. "Rodan's nest."


Godzilla and his son huffed their way up the mountain side. Rodan, obviously, flew when he wanted to go home, but he had attempted to make the mountain side trip a little easier on climbing visitors by fashioning a crude trail up the side of the mountain out of boulders. Little G coughed and collapsed on a boulder. "Is this really worth the trip, daddy?" "Of course it is! You wanted to visit all of Monster Island, didn't you?" Godzilla answered. Little G grinned. "Yeah!" "Well, let's continue!"


With a mighty heave, Godzilla pulled himself up the mountain side. He then reached down and grabbed Little G's arm, pulling him up. Panting, Little G looked around. The were on the peak of the tallest mountain in Monster Island. able to see for miles. "Wow, it's awesome up here!" Little G said, surveying the view. Godzilla nodded in agreement. They were suddenly startled by a familiar voice. "Hey guys!" Rodan called. The two turned around, and saw Rodan land in his nest behind them. "Trick-or-Treat!" Little G said, holding out his bag. Rodan chuckled, reached into his nest, and handed the Little G some candy. "So guys, you going to Mothra's Hallowen party tonight?" Godzilla turned around. Halloween party?" "Yeah, didn't you hear? Mothra's throwing a party at her cave. everyone's invited. Wanna come?" Godzilla looked at his son. "Want to?" he asked. Little G's eyes glowed nervously. He wasn't sure if he wanted to leave for Mothra's party. There probably wouldn't be any kaiju there his age, and he was getting very tired, but he didn't want to upset his dad. "Would we stay long?" "Nah, not if you don't want to. We'd just stay for a little while." Godzilla answered. "Well, I guess we could check it out." "Great let's go! Now, the hard part is figuring out how to get down the mountain again."


Godzilla, Rodan, and Little Godzilla all stood before Mothra's cave. "Well, let's go check it out" Rodan said, stepping into the cave.


Inside, a huge party was going on. The entire cave was lit by huge torches along the walls, Jack-o-lanterns, and a gigantic bonfire lit in the center of the room. A techno-remix of famous kaiju themes throbbed from a 150- foot sound system at the back of the cave. All around, monsters dressed in Halloween costumes served themselves radioactive punch. Godzilla smiled as he saw Anguirus secretly spike Megalon's drink while he wasn't looking. "Wow, this is great!" Rodan said, never the one to miss a party. Little G looked around nervously. There were no kaiju here his age. The music hurt his ears "Daddy, I think I'll wait outside." Godzilla bent down. "You sure?" Little G nodded his head. "Well, I'm gonna stay here for a while. I'll come get you in a few minutes. You be good, okay?" Little G nodded his head, and walked outside.


Outside, Little G rubbed his red eyes and sat down. It was getting late, and he was getting tired. He'd just wait here for his dad, and then go home. Little G took off his mask and cape, dropped his candy bag, and layed down on the grass. He was so tired...Little G closed his eyes, ready to go to sleep. But before he could, a very familar, frightening voice called his name. "Yo, junior!" Little G's eyes snapped open. It couldn't be...no, it couldn't! Little G sat up and turned around to see the face of the bully that had tormented him so many times...Gabara.

Gabara emerged form the shadow, his red hair glinting in the moonlight. Behind him, two other monsters stood: A Kamacuras, and a Destroyah Aggregate. "So, Little G, you been having fun? Trick-or-Treating with your daddy?" Gabara asked. Cautiously, wide-eyed, Little Godzilla nodded his head. "Well, good for you, shrimp. Guess what? I didn't go out tonight so...I don't have any candy." Gabara made a false-sad face, elicting snickers from his two thugs. "So...you'd be willing to give me some of your candy, right?" Little G's heart skipped a beat. Nervously, he asked..."H-how m-much?" Gabara moved closer so that his face was inches from Little G's. "All of it." Little G was starting to get scared. He suddenly wished he had stayed at the party. Then, for some reason, he remembered his dad's words:

"Don't let anyone bully you, or try to steal your candy."

"N-n-no!" Little G stuttered. Instantly, he wished he hadn't. Gabara was taken aback. "What did you say?" He moved even closer, cracking his knuckles. "Well, in that case, there's only one thing to do. Get 'im, boys." The two monster thugs moved forward, and the Kamacuras lifted Little G in the air with by his arms. The Destroyah Aggregate, in the meantime, dumped out Little G's candy bag, spilliing the contents all over the ground. Gabara bent over and picked up a piece of candy. "Radioactive Rolls? I love these! Thanks!" Gabara said, popping the piece of candy in his mouth. Little Godzilla, angered beyond belief, remembered more of his dad's advice:

"Stand up for yourself. Don's let anyone push you around."

Little G's eyes began to glow brighter than ever before, now shining an intense shade of blood-red. "Ahh, what's the matter? Is Godziwa's wittle boy gonna get angwy?" Gabara snarled and laughed. Lines of blue energy crackled around Little Godzilla's body, his eyes glowing brilliantly. Meanwhile, Gabara and his cronies were laughing their heads off. "Gee, this is great!" Howled the Kamacuras. Little G felt the nuclear power within his body surge, and with a mighty scream, Godzilla's son detonated a powerful nuclear pulse.


Inside Mothra's cave, Godzilla could have sworn he had heard something, an explosion maybe. He began to walk towards the door when Rodan stopped him. "Party on man!" He said, taking a swig of punch.

Gabara and his thugs were all blown backwards by the blast, all thrown in different directions. Gabara got up, dusting himself off. "Hoo boy, you're going to regret that!" Gabara said, pulling back his fist. Little G panted, that nuclear blast took a lot out of him. He looked up and saw the fist of Gabara coming straight towards his face. He didn't have time to duck. Little G was sent flying backwards, landing on his back. He was extremely dizzy. Gabara came up to him again and threw an electric bolt at him, knocking him down to the ground again. Little G stood up and punched Gabara right in the stomach, bringing a scream of pain. Gabara swung his fist and slammed it into Little G's eye. Before he could fall, Gabara grabbed Little G's forehead and began to shock him repeatedly with electric jolts. Little Godzilla's head hurt, he wanted Gabara to stop! To his surprise, he did. But not for long. He whistled to the other two bullies, who picked Little G up by the arms. Gabara cracked his knuckles and drew his fist back. Little G closed his eyes, he knew what was coming. He screamed in pain as Gabara pounded him in the stomach again and again, showing no signs of stopping. He tried to clear his mind, he had to think of something. He began to charge up for a nuclear blast. When his energy was built up, he blasted Gabara point blank with an atomic ray.


Inside the party, Godzilla stood up. He heard another explosion. He ran outside, the other monsters running after him.

Gabara hardly even noticed the blast. Little Godizilla was so weak, he could hardly muster the energy for a powerful ray. Gabara was busy wailing away on Little Godzilla, when he stopped. He looked over to his right, where at the opening to the cave, the entire group of monsters were staring right at him and the battered Little Godzilla. Godzilla took one menacing step forward. "H-hi, M-mister G-godzilla! N-nice night, i-isn't it!" Gabara stuttered, scared beyond belief. Godzilla took another step forward. Gabara gulped. "Oh no." Godzilla roared, and charged toward Gabara, grabbing him by the throat. He lashed out and grabbed the Kamacuras as well, and slammed the two monster's heads together. Meanwhile, the Destroyah Aggregate was trying to run away. Godzilla released a powerful nuclear blast, blowing it to pieces. Godzilla yanked Gabara off the ground by the throat and slammed him against a tree. "Don't you EVER do that to my son again, you little scumbag!" Godzilla took Gabara and punted him like a football, sending him flying across Monster Island and landing in the ocean. Godzilla looked over at the remaining monster. "Scram!" The Kamacuras ran away as fast as it could back into the jungle. Meanwhiile, Mothra had gone over to Little Gdzilla and picked him up. "He's gonna be alright. Beaten up, but he's going to be fine." She handed him to Godzilla. Little G looked up at his daddy. "Hi...daddy." he said in a weak voice. He had a black eye. "I'm proud of you son. You stood up for yourself. Now, let's go home." Carrying his son in his arms, Godzilla and Little Godzilla went back to their cave.